Monday, August 9, 2010


Liam was diagnosed ante-natally at 20wks with congenital heart defect. He was born 6 weeks premature after movements ceased, cord wrapped around neck 6 times! Flown to Wellington NICU within an hour of birth, the following day to Starship hospital. Open heart surgery at 2 weeks of age, weighing 1.8kg. Arterial switch and VSD closure carried out during 9 hour bypass surgery by the great Kirsten Finacume. At 5.30am the morning following surgery, cardiac arrest occurred and after 45 minutes of CPR and heart massage (thankfully his chest was still open post surgery) was attached to an EKMO machine which circulated the blood through his body letting his tiny heart and lungs rest. He was the smallest and youngest baby to ever be attached to this machine. After 3 days it was decided to turn the machine off and miraculously his heart and lungs kicked in. He was still ventilated for weeks following and developed a blood clot and severe odemia which made him incredibly ill. His body could not process fat, so he was on a very small and thin diet through a nasal gastric tube for weeks following. He was so swollen and full of fluid that his body was like play dough and he had to be turned constantly with as little stress as possible to prevent permanent nerve damage and sores. After 49 days in ICU he was released to the ward after 2 weeks of gradual weaning off ventilation. He was now only 1.6kg, but very alert and very placid. After 10.5 weeks and a last minute double hernia repair we were able to bring Liam home.
He has ongoing issues and a lot of people looking out for him, but he is the most joyous, mischievous and clever wee boy and it is a privilege to be his mum.
Liam the Lionheart is a little star and has taught us more in his short life than we could ever imagine possible.

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